Brief: Remind people that Stain Devils will get rid of unwanted stains. Remember this is a light, quirky product.
Obnoxious presenter: »Hi there. Let’s talk about stains today. The most common stains can all be found at a big event like a wedding.«
»there will be wine stains…«
»and grass…«
»probably lipstick…«
»maybe even blood…«
»all kinds of mud and dirt basically.«
Priest comes out of church:
»Stop it, now! Look at you! We’ve got to clean up this mess before the ceremony…«
»…and I know who will help us.«
Starts murmuring and gesticulating, summons fiery pentagram
…out of which stain devils
appear [sfx: pop]
Presenter: »Stain Devils. Also
available at your local supermarket.«
For UCLAN Preston, Staindevils
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